Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States - Lebanon, Kansas

Two miles northwest of Lebanon you will find this unique roadside attraction. There is plenty of signage so you can't miss it. The actual center is about 1/2 mile away on private property but everyone is calling this site good enough 😊
There's a small chapel here made famous by Bruce Springsteen in a Super Bowl ad.
(Bruce pic from internet)
There's a Visitor Center in downtown Lebanon, located in an unmanned, old gas station. There was a lot of information there, and a bathroom. An old jail is across the street from the Center.
The geographic center of the entire U.S. is in South Dakota but until we get there, this spot will do 😉

Cimarron Heritage Center, 1300 N. Cimarron, Boise City, Oklahoma

This tiny town is located in the panhandle of Oklahoma and its claim to fame is being the only town to have been accidentally bombed by the U.S. Military. On July 5, 1943, the city was bombed by an off course B-17. Six bombs were dropped and five detonated although no one was hurt. The military came and picked up what was left of the five bombs.  The sixth bomb, undetonated, was found by a civilian who stored it in his barn. It was found after his death in 2019 and donated to the museum who put it on display.
Here are some of the other fun things situated outside of the museum.
Slice of a sequoia
But the historic bombing is what puts this town on the map 😊

Cadillac Ranch 13651 I-40 Frontage Road, Amarillo, Texas

Created in 1974 by Doug Michels, Chip Lord, and Hudson Marquez, and funded by millionaire Stanley Marsh 3, it has stood as a fascinating and popular roadside attraction ever since.
Ten cadillacs (1949-1963 models) were buried nose down at 60 degree angles. Over the years, the painting of the cars evolved into a spray painting extravaganza. If you don't bring your own, you can buy a can for $10 at the nearby gift shop. The ranch is located on private property but is completely accessible from frontage road, where everything is covered in graffiti. It's a really fun roadside stop 😊
The aforementioned gift shop and RV park is located at 2601 Hope Road. Whoever owns it was/is a brilliant marketer/entrepreneur 😀 
And yup, jewelry made from paint chips from the Cadillacs.
Cadillac Ranch is a great stop, just off old Route 66.