Made famous by the 1947 alleged alien space ship crash, the town has fully embraced its alien heritage. Most downtown businesses have an alien of some kind out in front and McDonalds has gone all out 😊
The UFO Museum covers many UFO stories, not just the 1947 crash, and also has a lot of alien movie posters and information.
It was a fun visit but a quick one. There was a wildlife refuge a few miles away (4200 E. Pine Lodge Road) and we took the loop ride for a complete change of pace. Established in 1937, the refuge is over 24,000 acres and is an oasis in the desert. And it is gorgeous.
A random piece of history from World War II can be seen at 910 N. Pennsylvania Avenue in Roswell. During the war, about 4800 German prisoners were held in a POW camp just outside of town. A group of men working on a flood control project secretly arranged rocks on the river bank to form the Iron Cross. When it was discovered, the town covered it with cement. Erosion later exposed it and now the site has been turned into a memorial to POWs everywhere.
Our last Roswell stop was Goddard Corner, 1011 N. Richardson Avenue, near the Goddard Planetarium (now closed). Robert Goddard is considered the father of modern rocket propulsion and did his research here in Roswell from 1930-1942.
Goodbye, Roswell!
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