Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sitdowners Memorial Park, 1940 W. Atherton Rd, Flint MI

This park is dedicated to the workers who went on strike by refusing to work but also refusing to leave their posts at a General Motors plant in Flint. It took place from December 30, 1936 - February 11, 1937 and is known as the "strike heard round the world." Because they were holed up in the factory, food had to be brought to them by wives and other supporters. Governor Frank Murphy would not to allow force to be used against the strikers and sent in the National Guard to maintain peace and order.  On February 11, 1937, General Motors granted UAW the right to represent its members when bargaining with GM, and the strike was over. It's a fascinating story and an important part of labor history.
Here is the strike timeline and some photos from the Sloan Museum in Flint.
We have not spent a lot of time in Flint but this historic site was worth a visit.